Policies & Procedures, Building & Land


Audio‑Visual Recording in the Temple
Building Usage on Sunday Mornings
Catering Policy for Temple Beth Or
Chuppah Use Policy  
Chuppah Borrowing Contract for Members
Environmental Policy For Temple Beth Or
Evacuation Plan Procedure
Facilities Cleaning Checklist
Facilities Rental Policy
Hanging of Items on Temple Walls Policy
Kitchen Policy
Sanctuary Seating Capacity Policy
Security Procedures




Policy: Audio‑Visual Recording in the Temple Policy

1.    “Recording” in this policy shall mean recording by means of video, still camera, or any other device or devices.
2.    Recording is not permitted at any scheduled religious service, either Shabbat or holiday, with the exception of b’nai mitzvah services, which may be recorded.
3.    Any ceremony that is not part of and does not take place during a scheduled religious service may be recorded. Examples include weddings, baby namings, and b’rit milah.
4.    Only the video camera provided by the temple, in its permanently installed location, may be used for video recording. The camera signal may be taped using a VCR or other device located downstairs, but not taped by the camera itself, in order not to disturb congregants.
5.    Still cameras may be used only in the foyer, but only if they do not make a noise which would be distracting to the congregants. Flashes may not be used.
6.    The cost and loading of media are the responsibility of those recording the service or ceremony.
7.    The signal from the temple’s video camera may be displayed on a monitor downstairs during any service or ceremony, as long as recording is restricted to those cases mentioned above.




Policy: Building Usage on Sunday Mornings 

The use of the Temple building on Sunday mornings for any use other than Religious School is prohibited.


Catering Policy for Temple Beth Or

When a caterer is employed to provide food for any event or program held at Temple Beth Or, or sponsored by Temple Beth Or, or by an individual TBO member acting as such, including off-site events/programs, or by a non-member using Temple facilities, persons responsible for the event or program shall ensure that the caterer holds a current health department permit in Washington State, a business license and current liability insurance in the minimum amount of $1 million.  The  responsible persons shall ensure that written documentation of such permits and insurance are on file, electronically or by hard copy, in the TBO office at least 10 days prior to the event or program.

This policy shall not apply to events or programs for which food is prepared and/or provided solely by Temple members.  Nor shall this policy apply to commercially prepared and packaged foods purchased and provided by Temple members.




Policy: Chuppah Use

•    A wedding that has been scheduled in the sanctuary of Temple Beth Or with the TBO Rabbi officiating has priority for the use of the TBO Chuppah.
•    A member of Temple Beth Or may borrow the Temple Beth Or Chuppah for a wedding of someone in their immediate family with the approval of the Rabbi.  The member assumes all responsibilities for the Chuppah.  The Chuppah may be borrowed for no more than two weeks.  
•    There is a deposit fee. This will be returned in full when the Chuppah is returned in the same condition in which the member received it.  If any repairs need to be made, the member will pay all repair fees which will be deducted from the deposit and any additional cost will be billed to the responsible member.  
•    The member will sign a contract with Temple Beth Or that stipulates the above.
•    The Temple Beth Or Chuppah may not be borrowed by a non-member.

DATE OF BOARD APPROVAL: 9/07/2004, 3/05


Form: Chuppah Borrowing Contract for Members

I, _____________________________, a member in good standing of Temple Beth Or

have borrowed the TBO Chuppah Set (includes eight poles with holders and

the fitted tallit for the top) on _________________.  

I borrowed this Chuppah Set for the exclusive use of the Jewish Wedding of:

_______________________________________ occurring on __________________.

I will return it on_________________.                                 

I have paid a security deposit of five hundred dollars ($500.00). I understand that I am responsible for this Chuppah Set and any damages and/or losses that occur to it while it is in my possession. I will have my deposit returned when the Chuppah Set is returned in the condition in which it was received. I will pay for any necessary repairs or pay for a replacement, the cost will be taken from my deposit. If additional money is needed to make repairs or provide replacement, I will be responsible for the additional cost.

Signed: _____________________________

Print Name: _________________________

Date Borrowed: ______________

Board Member Witness: _____________________
To be Competed When Chuppah is Returned.

Date Accepted for Return__________________

Return Accepted by Board Member_______________________


Policy: Environmental Policy For Temple Beth Or

It shall be the official policy of Temple Beth Or to conduct all activities in the most environmentally aware manner practicable.  This applies to decisions regarding energy conservation, waste reduction, recycling, landscaping, water conservation, transportation, and purchasing.






In the event of fire or other emergency, and we need to evacuate this building, everyone will:

1.    Line up at classroom door in and ORDERLY and QUIET manner. This means ABSOLUTELY NO TALKING; DO NOT TAKE ANYTHING WITH YOU.
2.    Take class roster with you, if classes are in session. It is on the clipboard on the wall in each classroom. Exit building via designated exit as quickly as possible. See diagram on wall. An alternative exit is designated on the diagram in case the primary exit is obstructed. Use the buddy system or single file (at teacher’s discretion) to proceed.
3.    From downstairs south exit:
    Go east (left) to alley, turn north (left) and walk down alley to the parking lot between the alley and 32nd and Broadway.
    From downstairs north exit:
Go east (right) to alley, turn north (left) and walk down alley to the parking lot between the alley and Broadway.
From upstairs west exit (main door):
Go north (right) and proceed to the parking lot at the corner of 32nd and Broadway.
From upstairs east exit:
    Go to alley, turn north (left) and walk down alley to the parking lot between the alley and 32nd and Broadway.
    From the portables:
    Go to alley, turn north (left) and walk down alley to the parking lot between the alley and 32nd and Broadway.
    From new classrooms (converted garage):
Go to alley, turn north (left) and walk down alley to the parking lot between the alley and 32nd and Broadway.
4.    If any disabled or wheelchair-bound persons are present and the main upstairs exit is blocked, these persons will be carried down the east stairs.
5.    All persons are to meet in the parking lot at 32nd and Broadway.
6.    Take a head count, using the class roster you brought with you.

7.    Designate an adult to notify the neighbor to the south of the building that there is a fire, etc. (due to the proximity of the buildings)
8.    Proceed down 32nd to the Everett Station.
9.    Notify emergency services (if applicable) and parents. Phone numbers will be on the rosters.


1.    Fire extinguishers are located in the downstairs hall next to the north exit, in the upstairs foyer next to the office door, and in the kitchen on the east wall.

2.    There is a fire alarm pull located in the kitchen to the right of the refrigerator.



Form: Facilities Cleaning Checklist

Date of Service:__________________________________

Cleaning Performed by:____________________________

Cleaning Checked by: ______________________________   Date:  _________


  • Bathrooms
  • Vanity and sink cleaned and disinfected
  • Mirror and faucets cleaned and shined
  • Floors washed  and disinfected.  Corners cleaned
  • Toilet scrubbed and disinfected.  Includes toilet bowl, tank, seat, back and sides  
  • Clean and remove any mildew
  • Cobwebs removed.
  • General dusting
  • Trash cans emptied; can relined with plastic
  • Window sills and ledges dusted


  • Countertops wiped and cleaned
  • Butcher block top scrubbed
  • Top and front of range cleaned
  • Front of refrigerator damp wiped
  • Sink scrubbed and disinfected, faucet cleaned and shined
  • Floor swept or vacuumed and wet mopped
  • Cobwebs removed
  • Microwave wiped out
  • General dusting
  • Garbage taken out; cans relined with plastic

Oneg Room, Hallway and Classrooms

  • All floors swept or vacuumed and wet mopped
  • Cobwebs removed
  • Stairs and landings vacuumed
  • Glass doors cleaned
  • Spot clean noticeable fingerprints on doors and light switches
  • Damp cloth dust tops of  ‘available’ bookcases.

Sanctuary, entry, and offices

  • All floors vacuumed; wet mop entry floor
  • Window sills and ledges dusted
  • Cobwebs removed
  • Spot clean noticeable fingerprints on doors and light switches



  • Tile grout scrubbed in south bathroom
  • Baseboards damp wiped
  • Extra attention to floors
  • Front and side of vanity wiped


  • Range hood cleaned
  • Grease filter cleaned on hood
  • Doors and frames spot cleaned
  • Refrigerator and dishwasher doors/side cleaned
  • Outside of cabinets damp wiped
  • Baseboards damp wiped
  • Extra attention to floor—should be stripped and re-waxed at least yearly

Oneg Room, Hallways and Classrooms

  • Window sills and ledges damp wiped
  • Baseboards damp wiped
  • Extra attention to floors (should be stripped and re-waxed at least yearly)
  • Picture frames dusted
  • Overhead beam dusted (oneg room)
  • “Intricate” items dusted

Sanctuary, entry, and offices

  • Window sills and ledges damp wiped
  • Baseboards damp wiped
  • Extra attention to floors—especially edges
  • Light fixtures damp wiped.  Should be taken down and cleaned every year
  • Outside of any cabinets wiped



Policy: Facilities Rental

The Temple Beth Or building will not be rented out.  Non-rental use will be limited to that approved by the Governing Board.

DATE OF BOARD APPROVAL:  7/15/93; Reviewed 3/05


Policy: Hanging of Items on Temple Walls

The hanging/affixing of any items on the walls of Temple Beth Or will be subject to the following restrictions:
1.      Each room shall have an emergency evacuation plan and room diagram affixed to wall nearest each exit door.  Each classroom shall also have a classroom set-up diagram affixed below evacuation information.  Information shall be affixed as per #5 below.
2.    All notices, flyers, etc. shall be affixed to the TBO information board located in the upper stairwell.  Each item must be dated.  It is the responsibility of the person hanging the notice to remove it when it has expired.  Items without expiration will be hung for no more than two months, unless special circumstances exist.  Information shall be affixed with push pins only.
3.      Teachers assigned to the four classrooms downstairs (excluding the oneg room) may hang posters, student art, etc. as appropriate.  Information shall be affixed as per #5 below.  This also applies to the Rabbi in his/her office, the office manager in her/his office, and the Gift Shop in it’s designated area.
4.    Art work will be hung on any other walls of the Temple building only with the approval of the Building Committee and is subject to #5 below.  Appropriateness of any item hung anywhere in the building shall be subject to judgment of the Building Committee.  The Building Committee will consult the Governing Board as necessary.
5.    Items may ONLY be hung on Temple walls using pins, tacks, nails, or wall hanging hooks as appropriate to the size, weight, and design of the item to be hung.  Absolutely no tape is to be used on Temple walls, including items of temporary decoration (i.e.:  Purim or life cycle celebration decorations.).
6.      Items not in compliance with above policy will be removed.





POLICY: Kitchen Use

A copy of this policy will be posted in the Kitchen and given to all Committee and Sub-committee chairs, sent out with oneg list, given to Religious School and TBO Tots teachers, be placed in the B’nai Mitzvah Handbook, and  a friendly reminder of the policy will be placed in the ORacle on a quarterly basis.

The “Responsible Individual” is:
The Committee Chair or Event Coordinator
There are some activities which do not necessarily involve a Temple committee, such as Religious School, Hebrew School, Confirmation Class, etc.  In these cases, the Religious School Administrator will be responsible to ensure a kitchen clean-up occurs. This should be done by assigning a person to be responsible.  
If the facility is used for a member family event, the family is responsible to ensure proper clean-up.
Responsibilities of ANYONE using the kitchen:
Do not use any food items in cabinets that are marked for a certain committee or function (child care, BOTY,etc.)  Any food items should be in a closed container or ziplock for pest control.
Clean all counters and wipe them.
Place all garbage and recyclable items in appropriate containers.  Empty any garbage containers with food items into outdoor trash containers.  Recyclable paper should not be placed outside building until trash pick-up day (fire hazard), but should be flattened and put in kitchen recycle bin.
Unplug all small appliances (except microwave ovens).
Place all dirty dishes in dishwasher and start.  Hand wash, dry, and put away any items not suitable for dishwasher.
Take any leftover food from event home or to a shelter.  Do not place in refrigerator unless labeled with date and name, and you will be responsible for removing within 3 days.
There will be some staple items in refrigerator (condiments, etc.)  These will be dated.  Any staff lunch items will be marked with person’s name and dated.
Please take home dirty tablecloths and dishtowels, launder, and return to TBO within 10 days.

The “Responsible Individual” shall ensure after the event occurs (Oneg, a meeting, etc.) that the kitchen is clean before leaving the building.

The “Greeter” or person in charge of lock-up will survey the building before leaving.  It is NOT the “lock-up” persons responsibility to clean the kitchen.  If a serious problem is discovered, please contact the Administrative Assistant.

If a Temple or staff member finds a problem, he/she will contact the Administrative Assistant.  (See Office Manager list of duties).             

Please treat the synagogue building with respect – this is the home of our community.

In Pirke Avot, Rambam says, “From where do we know this concerning the Temple?  Since it is written: “The place which You, O God, have made for your abode; the Sanctuary which Your hands, O God, have established.’”(Exodus 15:17)

DATE OF BOARD APPROVAL:      9 May 00 / AFFIRMED 6/1/05    



Policy: Sanctuary Seating Capacity

Temple Beth Or will set limits on the number of people who can occupy the sanctuary at one time to 179, except for special occasions when the maximum will be 197 (10% higher).  In the event of exceeding the 179 limit, the Fire Department will be notified at least 24 hours in advance, per Fire Department requirement.

DATE OF BOARD APPROVAL:  6/13/96; Reviewed and modified 3/05




Procedures: Security

(The password is passed on at the Board Orientation in January.)


1)    Present your fob to the sensor. There is one beside each of the Temple building doors.

2)    Pull on the door handle after you hear the “click” or “buzz.”

3)    Your fob will have disarmed the security system at the same time it unlatched the door for you. You will not know whether or not the system had been armed or whether there is anyone already in the building. Remember this, and don’t reflexively set the alarm when leaving if someone else is still in the building.

4)    You will always use your fob to enter the Temple building. You will not have any other key. If for some reason your fob does not work, the Rabbi, President, and Building Supervisor have keys.

5)    During cold weather, turn the bathroom thermostats up to 65 degrees.

The following procedures are to be implemented:

1)    During services, when the upstairs panic bar is locked down, the greeter must stay at the door to act as a monitor/security person.
2)    Security person must be oriented and do the following:
a)    Carry on his/her person the security company panic button the alerts the police directly and an air horn to alert people to evacuate the building.
b)    Ensure all doors are locked and secured if not monitored.
c)    Be the contact person when law enforcement officers arrive on the scene.
3)    In the event an intruder enters the temple, the following actions shall be taken by the security person, in this order:
a)    Determine the seriousness of the situation. If not serious, ask the person to leave.
b)    If serious, do the following:
i)    Activate panic button
ii)    Sound air horn
iii)    Aid in evacuation; if possible, check all rooms (child care, bathrooms, kitchen, offices, classrooms) prior to leaving.
iv)    Gather facts
4)    Brief law enforcement officers when they arrive.
5)    Notify families of people involved, if applicable.
In event of an evacuation, the meeting point shall be the northwest corner of Broadway and 33rd. If possible, identify who may still be in the temple.


1)    Check the panic bar on the front door to make sure it is not locked down.

2)    Check all other doors and windows upstairs and downstairs to make sure they are firmly closed.  This includes the windows in north classroom downstairs, and the two doors in the middle classroom and “clubhouse.”

3)    Make sure all appliances are turned off.

4)    Make sure toilets and water faucets are not running.

5)    Turn inside lights off.

6)    During cold weather, set the bathroom and classroom thermostats at 50 degrees.

7)    Make sure everyone is out of the building.

1)    Make sure that the door through which you will be leaving is closed.

2)    Go to the alarm keypad.  Press the Command key.
3)    Press the appropriate keys under the menu choices that appear on the screen. When the system asks you for “Code,” present your fob to the sticker on the keypad. Continue to respond to the prompts. You can stop the process at any time before you see the countdown by pressing the Command key. If you have responded to the prompts to arm the building, you will finally see a countdown from 45 seconds on the keypad screen. This indicates that the system will be armed in 45 seconds.

4)    While the countdown is displaying, if you realize you need to abort the arming, simply present your fob to the keypad again. The countdown will stop, and the system will be immediately ARMED. To disarm the system, present your fob to the keypad again. The system will be disarmed. To summarize: to abort, you present your fob twice.

5)    Exit the building and close the door.


1)    If you accidentally trigger a false alarm, then an audible alarm will sound on the outside of the building.  To prevent emergency personnel from responding, do the following:

2)    Proceed to the nearest Temple phone and call the phone number posted on the telephone keypad.

3)    Identify yourself to the security company, inform them that you have triggered a false alarm and provide them with our  “Password”.