Welcome to Temple Beth Or

Our warm, compassionate, vibrant, spirited, inclusive, and participatory Reform Jewish community is religiously and geographically diverse, serving Washington’s northern Puget Sound. Browse our website, attend a service or event, and join us!

Welcome to Temple Beth Or

Our warm, compassionate, vibrant, spirited, inclusive, and participatory Reform Jewish community is religiously and geographically diverse, serving Washington’s northern Puget Sound. Browse our website, attend a service or event, and join us!

Our Congregational Priorities

K'hilah/Mishpachah (community & family)

Nurturing our interactive, multigenerational extended family


Lifelong learning, searching for meaning, and seeking comfort and healing


Worship and celebration through the observance of meaningful, creative, and traditional rituals

Tikkun Olam

Transforming ourselves and our world through tzedakah (fairness), social justice, and g’milut chasadim acts of loving kindness

Currently at TBO

Upcoming Events

Full calendar at templebethor.org/calendar

Capital campaign logo

Temple Beth Or has launched a Capital Campaign to help fund updates and expansions to our current building. Learn more and make a pledge now at: templebethor.org/building

COVID-19 Guidelines

TBO does not require vaccination, though it is strongly recommended. Masking is optional.

For safety/security reasons, non-members must pre-register to attend in-person events.

Review the complete COVID-19 protocols at templebethor.org/covid


From the Union For Reform Judaism / Reform Movement

Meet Four Black Jewish Leaders

Meet Four Black Jewish Leaders jemerman February 7, 2025 Jews of Color Image Black Jews continue to help shape our society, emerging as social justice leaders, writers, chefs, actors, and more. I hope you'll enjoy learning about these Black Jewish influencers whose intersectional identities have influenced their work.

Supporting Immigrants and Refugees in This Challenging Moment

Supporting Immigrants and Refugees in This Challenging Moment jemerman February 6, 2025 Racial Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (REDI) Communities of Belonging Image Welcoming the stranger, or immigrant, is a core part of Jewish tradition, mentioned 36 times in the Torah. We affirm our commitment to create the same opportunities for today's immigrants that were so valuable to our own community not so many years ago.

Experiencing a Divorce? You are not Alone

Experiencing a Divorce? You are not Alone jemerman January 17, 2025 Divorce Image Starting from the Torah we see that divorce is acceptable in Judaism, that not all marriages are meant to last, and that one or both individuals in the couple have their reasons.

Unlock Sephardi Culture and Connection with these 10 Ladino Phrases

Unlock Sephardi Culture and Connection with these 10 Ladino Phrases jemerman January 17, 2025 Jewish Life Around the World Image Growing up in Seattle, I was fortunate to be surrounded by the city's vibrant Sephardi Jewish community. Seattle, with its large Sephardi population, was the perfect place to grow up immersed in the language and flavors of this unique Jewish culture.