From Rabbi Rachel Kort

B’nei Mitzvah: Not Just At Thirteen
Note about language: ‘bar mitzvah’ means “son of the commandment”; ‘bat mitzvah’ means “daughter of the commandment.” B’nei mitzvah is the plural form and is also used as gender inclusive and nonbinary. B-mitzvah can also be used as gender inclusive and nonbinary. This winter, I’m excited to officiate b’nei mitzvah ceremonies for Jonathan Hill […]
Keep Being Curious
As we begin to emerge from these hard COVID times I know I am not alone in reflecting on the positive practices I have taken on this past year. I have been thinking about those things that I would like to integrate into my life as I move forward. I am typically a goal-oriented person […]
Universal Prayers in our Particular Jewish Language
In the space of this month’s ORacle, I would like to share background on a liturgical change I have introduced to the Oseh Shalom prayer for peace at our worship services. In addition, we’ll share this new version of Oseh Shalom in our bulletin each week. Oseh shalom bimromav, hu ya’aseh shalom aleinu, v’al kol […]
Move-A-Thon; It’s a Mitzvah
The author Vicki Weber imagines a famous Midrash (Vayikra Rabbah 34:3) about the first century sage, Rabbi Hillel.* His students would not simply learn from him in the classroom, but would also follow him around town, to glean all his wisdom. One day as his students walked with him down the street, he whisked a […]