Service and Event Registration
Registration Process For In-Person Services and Events
Non-members need to pre-register in advance of the service or event. We will need the names of all individuals in your group. If you are unable to register online and would like to come to a service, please contact the TBO office. Please note that most services will also be available online. Links and service descriptions are available on the TBO Calendar.
Please review our COVID protocols for more information on our current guidelines.
TBO Community Passover Seder
Temple Beth Or celebrates our ancient path to freedom together as a community on Sunday, April 13. Join in as we tell the story of Passover, eat ritual foods, sing fun and moving songs together. All ritual items will be provided by TBO. Attendees are asked to bring a non-dairy, Kosher for Passover dish to share. Food guidelines will be email to those who register. Cost: $10 per person over age 10, $30 maximum per family
Registration: All participants must register to attend. Location will be provided when the registration is processed. Registration closes Friday, April 4, 3:00 pm.