Sung by Bernie Busch
Mishkan t’filah, p. 362
Ein ka-mo-cha va’-el-o-him A-do-nai,
V’-ein k’-ma’-a-se-cha.
Mal-chut’-cha mal-chut kol ol-a-mim,
U-mem-shalt’-cha b’-chol dor va-dor.
A-do-nai me-lech, A-do-nai ma-lach,
A-do-nai yim-loch l’-ol-am va’-ed.
A-do-nai oz l’-a-mo yi-tein,
A-do-nai y’-va-reich et a-mo va-sha-lom.
Av ha-rach-a-mim,
Hei-ti-vah vir-tzon’-cha et Tzi-on
Tiv-neh cho-mot Y’-rush-a-lay-im,
Tiv-neh cho-mot Y’-rush-a-lay-im.
Ki v’-cha l’-vad ba-tach-nu,
Me-lech eil ram v’-ni-sah,
A-don ol-a-mim.

There is none like You among gods, Adonai,
And there are no deeds like Yours.
You are Sovereign over all worlds,
and your dominion is in all generations.
Adonai reigns, Adonai has reigned,
Adonai will reign forever and ever.
Adonai will give strength to our people.
Adonai will bless our people with peace.
Source of mercy: favor Zion with your goodness;
Rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.
For in You alone do we trust,
Sovereign, high and exalted, God eternal.